Saturday, August 25, 2012

More Charlotte Dumas

By Kitson

I just got a call from a friend who wants to celebrate the back-to-school season with a trip downtown to the Corcoran Gallery of Art to see the wonderful and moving photography exhibit called "Anima." (which I briefly blogged about on earlier this summer). There's an article in today's Washington Post about the exhibit by Dutch photographer Charlotte Dumas.

The folks over at the Corcoran's press office were kind enough to share some photos for a sneak preview... the horses in the photos pull funeral caissons at Arlington National Cemetery. Will report back after I see the exhibit in person... I can't help being preoccupied with the manure stains on Peter, but then again, these were not meant to be glamour shots.

Charlotte Dumas, Peter, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, 2012. Pigment
inkjet print, 35 x 47 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Paul Andriesse, Amsterdam/
Julie Saul Gallery, New York. © Charlotte Dumas.

Charlotte Dumas, Major ii, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, 2011. Pigment inkjet print, 35 x 47 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Galerie Paul Andriesse, Amsterdam/Julie Saul Gallery, New York. © Charlotte Dumas.

Charlotte Dumas, Ringo, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia, 2012. Pigment
inkjet print, 52 x 69 inches. Courtesy of the artist and Julie Saul Gallery, New York/Galerie Paul Andriesse, Amsterdam. © Charlotte Dumas.

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