Tuesday, December 27, 2011

War Horse Hoofcare

By Eliza

First, I have to admit that I have not seen or read War Horse. I am dying to, however, and I already have a large interest in this epoch of equestrian history--see here for an article I wrote about the Remount Depot in Front Royal, Virginia. (And my obsession, wonder horse Exterminator, was an at-home World War I phenomenon.) So I was very interested in this post on Fran Jurga's Hoof Blog (she's doing a whole War Horse week)--it is all about the way cavalry horses were shoed during the Great War. Check it out here. Fascinating stuff. Thank you, Fran.


  1. Hope you get a chance to go see War Horse soon, Eliza. Pretty much a "Can't Miss" for you, I would think. Looking forward to reading what you think of it.

  2. What would be helpful would be for you to see War Horse and then weigh in on whether people who are on the outside of the horse world would find it interesting.

  3. My mother said it was sad, sad, sad. But I think that was because of the people, not the horse. I'll go see it!
